Residents have been complaining about increased noise and vibration from HGV traffic along Fairfield Road. This may have contributed to the detoriation of the road surface. Tower Hamlets Council may be receptive to calls from residents to ban HGVs (not buses) along Fairfield Road if there is sufficient support. This could take the form of … Continue reading Are You Affected by HGV Noise And Vibration?→
Friends of Bow Primary members met with Mayor John Biggs and councilor Rachel Blake at the site of the new primary school planned for Bow, formerly Bow Boys School, on 17 August. The group has asked for a site consultation meeting for all interested local people in September, for a timeline for the school’s development and … Continue reading New Primary School For Bow: An Update→
As we approach the 2016/17 football season, and possibly more pressure on parking at weekends in the FCARA area, Tower Hamlets Council has decided to consult on new restrictions in Zone B (see map). The consultation includes the areas that are likely to be most affected by an influx of supporters looking for somewhere to park within … Continue reading Action on parking issues→
Bees are under threat from habitat loss and lack of suitable flowers. Biologists from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) want to tap into any green space the public might have access to such as a garden, roof terrace or window sill, and encourage Londoners to plant flowers which are rich in nectar and pollen, … Continue reading Save London’s bees→
A Safer Neighbourhood board public meeting is Being held on Monday 22 February at 6.30pm- 8.30pm at the Kirtland Centre, 1-3 Coborn Street, Bow, E3 2AB. This is your chance to meet the Borough Commander and head of safer communities, to discuss key policies and community safety issues . It is also a great opportunity for residents … Continue reading Borough Policing – Resident’s Question Time→
Tower Hamlets Council has published draft guidelines on roof extensions in the conservation area which could affect your property – have your say by 18 January