We’ve had a few reports recently from residents about long queues of buses along Fairfield Road at night to get into the bus garage.
Many are left running, keeping people awake at night. They also cause traffic congestion. The photo here shows a few weeks ago when there were nine buses idling on the road waiting to go into the garage at about 10pm…
This is a recurring issue which FCARA members have raised with bus garage management previously. However, every now and then it crops up again, we complain, things improve… you know the drill.
If you want to make a complaint yourself (and please do – nothing will change if no-one says anything and not all FCARA members are affected) then you can contact Transport for London
By phone: 0343-222-1234
On line: This is the link to the Tfl complaints/contact page
You can also use the contacts page below to contact the FCARA secretary if you’d like this raised more formally with the bus garage again.