Residents have been complaining about increased noise and vibration from HGV traffic along Fairfield Road. This may have contributed to the detoriation of the road surface.
Tower Hamlets Council may be receptive to calls from residents to ban HGVs (not buses) along Fairfield Road if there is sufficient support. This could take the form of a petition.
If you have been affected by HGVs use the comments section below to raise your concerns.
I’ve been talking to councillor rachel Blake.
They are very receptive to getting rid of hgvs and are also looking to move the bus garage. I think we should all sign up to a petition to further this whilst they are on side. The council have put forward many good arguments for moving the garage and are trying to get the London mayor onside too.
Yes. There’s been a huge increase recently in the number of cement mixer lorries thundering along Fairfield Road on their way to and from London Concrete site, leading to extra noise and congestion. These lorries should be using the A12, not a residential road. Many Fairfield Road residents will support the idea of a ban.
HGV traffic will probably only get worse if the cement works is extended, so it seems like a good time to start raising this issue. I guess like most things it’s best to start complaining to the council. The more complaints they get, the more likely it is the problem will be acknowledged. Maybe we could get Community Speedwatch on board too?
Yes the lorries driving up and down Fairfield road are noisy although the recent resurfacing has stopped the big CLANG noises when they -and the buses- drove over the manhole covers. It would be a lot quieter if we only had the buses to live with, that is when they don’t queue up to get in the garage.