Bow East Community Safety Walkabout: Thursday 9 March from 4.30-6pm

Join DWO Linda Lloyd and Bow East Safer Neighbourhoods Team on a neighbourhood walkabout and share your community safety concerns with the police, Tower Hamlets Council and partners.

When:                          Thursday 9 March  

Walkabout Time:  4.30pm – 6pm

Meeting Point:       Grove Hall Park alleyway (off Fairfield Road, E3)

  • Any actions/issues raised will be included in a live Issues Plan and passed on to the SNT/Ward Panel Chair and partners
  • Residents please attend if you can, and share your concerns: this information will be reviewed at future ward panel meetings, where the police ward priorities are set
  • The route will cover the following areas, focusing on SNT priorities
1. Grove Hall Park Youths causing antisocial behaviour (ASB), drinking, smoking drugs
2. Lefevre Park ASB & vehicle crime
3. Roman Road ASB
4. Gladstone Place ASB and Drugs

 Attendees will include:

Martin Kirby (tentative) Chief Inspector – Safer Neighbourhoods
Shazia Ghani Head of Community Safety
Claire Palmer Bow East Ward Panel Chair
Linda Lloyd DWO Bow East SNT
Ben Reeves Bow East SNT
Shalina Akhtar CSP Project Support Officer
Rachel Blake (tentative) Bow East Ward Councillor
Marc Francis (tentative) Bow East Ward Councillor
TBC Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officer (THEO)
Karla Hegarty Drug Outreach Worker
Edward Addison THSORT – Thames Reach
Maria Kaustrater Community Engagement Manager – Rapid Response Team
Jonathan Vincent Circle Housing
Nick Pettigrew Tower Hamlets Homes
Michael Lerpiniere (tentative) Tower Hamlets Homes – Neighbourhood Area Manager
Rupert Stevens (tentative) Tower Hamlets Homes – Neighbourhood Team Leader

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