Wanted: Parents To Help Set Up New Primary School For Bow

Friends of Bow Primary, a group pushing to get the old Bow Boy’s School on Paton Close turned into a new primary for the area, are looking for volunteers to help make the school a reality.

Last week four members of Friends of Bow Primary  met with some of the council officers responsible for schools development and planning.

In summary:

  • The bad news: Council officers want to delay the opening of the Bow school until 2019 but this will go to Cabinet for decision, probably in July.  The council had  originally indicated the school would open next year,.
  • The good news: you are way more likely than you probably thought you were to get the primary school place you want in Bow East in 2018, at least if you thought it was almost impossible.
  • Coming up: Council officers have agreed to hold an information meeting for parents in our area to find out more about school admissions, their planning for school places etc – more soon on when and where.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The news that the school might be delayed until 2019 means many of the FOBP group will have to find places for their children, due to start in 2018 at other schools. That in turn means they need volunteers on board who might send their child to the Bow school in 2019.

Can you help? If so you can email them at friendsofbowprimary@gmail.com

More information about the meeting with the council, the need for new school places in Bow East and much, much more can be found at Friends of Bow Primary’s website


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