Parking – Have Your Say In The Council Consultation

Please note this consultation has now CLOSED. We’ll bring you news of the result when we get it.


Tower Hamlets Council is looking for our views on the current parking restrictions and if we’d like them changed. If this matters to you, please take part in the consultation!

Lots of people in the neighbourhood say it’s getting harder to find a park during the weekend, so this is our chance to get the parking restriction hours or days extended.

In the next couple of weeks the council will send out  (via post) a  consultation pack to every property address in our parking zone (B2) and two others.  The council will only send out one consultation pack per address and want one response from each address, which can be returned via prepaid envelope or  email

The consultation for our zone (B2) starts 14 August and closes  8 September.  

The council says: “Your views will help us determine proposals for restrictions of any future scheme and so it is very important that all residents and businesses respond.”

At the moment the parking restrictions in our area B2  (which you can see on this map) are 8.30am-5.30pm Monday to Friday.

However in B4 (Fish Island) they are 8.30am-7.30pm Monday to Saturday. In B1 (around Roman Rd) parking is restricted between 8.30am-5.30pm Monday to Saturday.

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