Council Elections 3 May – Who’s Standing in Bow East & For Mayor

Residents will go to the polls on Thursday 3 May  to vote for three Bow East councilors and the Mayor.

If you want to vote in the local election, the deadline for registering to vote is midnight on Tuesday 17 April 2018.

The polling station for residents in the Fairfield Conservation Area is the parish hall of Our Lady and St Catherine of Seina,  179A Bow Road between 7am and 10pm.

Below is a list of the candidates standing in the Bow East Ward:

ALI, Amina  (Labour)
BLAKE, Rachel (Labour)
BODRUZZAMAN, Shah  (People’s Alliance of Tower Hamlets)
CHOUDHURY, Koyes  (Liberal Democrat)
COX,  David (Green)
DEMPSTER, Sean (Conservative)
EDWARDS,  Robin (Conservative)
FRANCIS, Marc (Labour)
HOLDEN, Farika (Green)
ISLAM, Foyzul (Aspire)
ISMAIL, Mahamed (Aspire)
MYCROFT, Joseph (Conservative)
O`CASEY, Eimear (Liberal Democrat)
RAHMAN, Mohammed (Aspire)
SIMS, Ben (Liberal Democrat)
SMITH, Daniel (Green)

Standing for Mayor are:

AHMED, Abul  (Aspire)
ALI, Anwara (Conservative)
BAGSHAW, Elaine (Liberal Democrat)
BIGGS, John (Labour)
JEBB, Ciaran (Green)
KHAN, Rabina (People`s Alliance of Tower Hamlets)
PIERRE, Hugo (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition)

For more information on the Tower Hamlets elections check out Tower Hamlets website or for more information about voting in general, the Electoral Commission website.

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