Voting has now closed.
Who will be the neighbourhood’s first ever Top Cat winner?
Cast your vote and help us decide which of these fabulous felines will be voted our first ever Top Cat. We’ve had a fantastic response and it’s going to be very hard to choose a winner in this cat-egory!
The winner and two runners-up will be announced at the Great Get-Together in Grove Hall Park on Saturday 23 June.
Voting closes at 6pm on Friday 22 June. To prevent “election fraud” votes are limited to six per household. Don’t worry if it doesn’t look like the vote has registered, it has been counted.
AGE: 2
LIKES: Wet cat food, flies, belly rubs, houseplants, catching toy mice, knocking small objects onto floor.
DISLIKES: Dreamies, dry cat food, strangers (the door bell).
BEST TALENT: Fetching balls (when in the mood).
AGE: 2
LIKES: Hanging out in the (empty) bath.
DISLIKES: Hot weather because of his thick fur coat.
BEST TALENT: He never tires of chasing his stick (just a long bit of white plastic) and even carries it upstairs and drops it at my feet.
Ranga (aka Pickard)
AGE: Way older than she looks.
LIKES: Roaming the neighbourhood adopting new families. Open windows, soft beds. Chasing string. Catnip. The fluffy black and white cat sometimes (see below).
DISLIKES: The fluffy black and white cat (sometimes). Closed windows. Heavy metal.
BEST TALENT: Charming the residents of Wrexham Road, and especially Austrian artists. Hiding in bags.
AGE: .1
LIKES: Walks in the park,being outside in balcony,playing and waking up my daughter.
DISLIKES: The sound of car collecting the rubbish and any loud noise or shouts.
BEST TALENT: To play and to do wherever she wants.
AGE: 16
LIKES: Rocky likes to sunbathe on the bin in Jebb Street. She is very pleased when people stop and talk to her, and stroke her. She is now rather elderly and fragile, but she was a lot more adventurous when she first arrived in the area ten years ago. She has visited most houses in the area and her second home is at the Rices, where she considers herself a member of the family.
DISLIKES: All other cats. The vet’s. Travelling by car.
BEST TALENT: Scaring dogs. Making friends.
AGE: 5
LIKES: Dreamie cat treats. Worms. Rats. Cuddles.
Sleeping all day on Layla’s top bunk bed looking out the window.
DISLIKES: Waiting for too long between meals – he has a big appetite.
Our hamsters being in their cage. He’d much prefer to chase them!
BEST TALENT: Sneaking food off our plates when we’re not looking. Hiding. Catching rats.
AGE: 3
LIKES: Louie is a Ragdoll and he just loves to laze around all day. Although he is an indoor cat, Louie’s favourite place to hang out is our little walled garden, where he likes eating the leaves from the raspberry and strawberry plants and sunbathing. As well as munching on leaves, he is a big fan of custard cream biscuits too.Finally, Louie LOVES to be brushed, he can’t get enough of it! He looks so handsome after a good grooming session.
DISLIKES: Although they used to be friends, currently Louie dislikes the neighbourhood visitor cat, Jules, but we’re not sure why they fell out. Jules got her nickname from her and Louie’s first few meetings, where she used to look upon Louie from the top of the shed, and he up at her; they were like Romeo and Juliet!
BEST TALENT: Louie has tried his paw at various things over the years (such as helping with the gardening, bike maintenance, sewing, etc.), currently he is showing huge talent in the area of acting like a dog; he can recognise his own name and comes when you call him from downstairs! He also recognises basic words, such as “dinner”, “garden” and “brush?”
AGE: 1
LIKES: Nacho is a cheeky Ragdoll kitten, whose favourite pastime is chasing balls up and down the kitchen, earning him the nickname Nacho Ronaldo. He also loves playing with/annoying his housemate (Louie the cat), which is often instigated by swiping at Louie’s tail as he passes. Nacho is very loyal and insists on always being with people, if they are in the house; he loves cuddling up or sitting on your lap and being stroked. He spends most of his awake time purring, and likes licking people’s noses, whether they are in the middle of doing something or if even if they are asleep. He is the cutest and most friendly cat and knows he can flaunt it!
DISLIKES: Nacho isn’t a fan of being told off, even though he can be quite naughty and so gets told off a fair bit. He goes away to reflect and then comes back, tail between his legs, to apologise (by licking your nose and cuddling up to you, of course). He also doesn’t like being left on his own ever, because he is very sociable and chatty. Luckily, he lives with his best older friend Louie the cat, and so they always have each other to hang out with. Nacho gets very jealous when Louie is getting attention and he isn’t!
BEST TALENT: Nacho is an excellent fly chaser. So far, he hasn’t caught any, but he has loads of fun in the process. His techniques are top notch; he can run very fast, and is learning all the nooks and crannies of the garden where the flies might be hiding. Unfortunately Nacho doesn’t have very good consideration for the plants, and has broken the stems of some on more than one occasion in his quest for fly catching. Nacho is also very good at carrying his toys around and depositing them in various places around the house.
AGE: 1.5
LIKES: Chin rubs. Drinking from the tap. Toffee sauce. Going outside.
Sleeping in weird positions. Chasing anything including feet.
DISLIKES: Belly rubs. Going to the vet.
When people steal her sleeping spots. Wearing a cone.
Being locked outside over night.
BEST TALENT: Finding any way to get in or out the house – she would climb up to the loft window and also go out on the roof!
AGE: 7
LIKES: Masses of attention, dreaming about being a lion. Whiskas Temptations, doing licks and hanging with the other Ridgdale Street cats.
DISLIKES: Tin foil – a lot.
BEST TALENT: Silent meows and being the best behaved (and most regularly photographed) passenger on the West Cost Mainline on his holidays from London to Lancashire.