Good news: the Crossrail site at the end of Wrexham Road and the council’s Wick Lane compound are almost finished.
According to a flyer posted through letterboxes earlier this week, works will start to close the shafts in the carpark and council site on Monday, 22 September and should be finished by February 2015.
That should mean that the smell finally goes, and the carpark area will be restored/trees replanted.
The bad news: while most of the work will happen from Wick Lane, there will be some lorries using Wrexham Road again. They won’t use the street during the school run times of 8am-9am and 3pm-4pm but will be on site between 8am-6pm Monday to Friday and 8am-1pm on Saturday. There will be an extra hour at the start and end of each shift to prepare and close down the works. Hopefully we don’t get a repeat of last time, when trucks arrived in the middle of the night, and early mornings were punctuated with lorries idling in the street.
Crossrail said there will be one occasion at night when there will be work overnight while they connect the sewers along the A12, but we will be notified when that happens.
Crossrail contractors Dragados-Sisk Joint Venture will have representatives at Thursday’s residents’ meeting at Bow Church if you have any more questions, or email