Next park friends & residents’ meeting Thursday 17 June – now online!

The Fairfield Conservation Area Residents’ Association (FCARA) is holding its next neighbourhood meeting on Thursday 17 June. This will be a joint meeting with Friends of Grove Hall Park

Because rain is predicted for Thursday, we’ve decided that rather meet in the park we should hold the FCARA meeting online using Microsoft Teams. The link below should provide you access. Hope it works – if not please email The meeting is scheduled for 1 hour starting at 6:30pm.

The agenda for the meeting is:
1. Minutes of last meeting
2. Actions arising
3. Safer Neighbourhoods
4. Friends of Grove Hall Park
5. The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 2022
6. Any Other Business
7. Date of next meeting

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+44 20 3443 8744,   United Kingdom, London
Phone Conference ID: 697 392 156#

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If you can’t attend but would like to raise any issues, please use the form below to contact our secretary, Michael.

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