Tackling anti-social behaviour and crime – who ya gonna call?

Like most big city neighbourhoods, ours has its share of crime and ASB and crime.

Part of making sure we all stay safe is reporting ASB and other crimes when you see them. This helps the police and council identify hotspots and give them a bit more attention.

How to report anti-social behaviour

If you are experiencing anti-social behaviour or are worried about nuisance activity you can:

In a non-emergency, call the police on 101 to report crime. In an emergency always call 999.

The police can help with complaints about:

  • Hate Crime
  • Graffiti and fly-posting
  • Drug use or dealing
  • Street drinking
  • Prostitution
  • Fireworks misuse

How to report anonymously

If you wish to report anti-social behaviour but you do not want to be identified then please report online.

You will be directed to an anonymous reporting form on the council’s website. These completed forms will be sent directly to the council’s ASB team to record and investigate.

To report crime anonymously, you can also contact Crimestoppers on:

You do not have to give your name, and everything you say will be confidential.

You can find more information on reporting anti-social behaviour and hate crime at the council’s website.

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