Have Your Say On Bow Road/Grove Hall Park Development By 19 February

Some residents have raised concerns about plans to demolish the existing warehouses at 219-221 Bow Road and 27-31 Payne Road and erect 93 residential apartments.

A good summary of the works can be found in the six-part design and access statements in the planning application, which you can see on Tower Hamlets website at this link.

The deadline to comment on the application is 19 February, 2015.

If you feel strongly that we should have a meeting about this , then please let the FCARA secretary know via the form below or leave a comment on this blog (comments are moderated, so might take a while to appear).

You can also comment on the application through the website.

To summarise the development:
Block A  is a four to six storey building along the front of Bow Road which will be a similar height to 195 Bow Road.
Block B is a five storey building which will match a development already approved next door.
Block C is formed by three, four and five storey buildings along the boundary with Grove Hall Park. The building will set back (4 metres or about 13 feet to the west and 1.5 metres – or about five feet – to the north from the park boundary with views over the park.
Block D is a five to six storey L shaped building with a boundary along Grove Hall Park.

The plans include just two car parking spaces (both for disabled access). An existing loading bay on Bow Road will be used for deliveries.


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